Science Communication
Letters to a Pre-Scientist
Inspire students’ curiosity about a future in STEM! The snail mail model was selected because it is low cost, accessible worldwide, and a unique way to facilitate human connection. Click at the link to know more about this amazing project.
Museum exhibit
National Science Week at Museums Victoria
Talking to the general public in the Dozin' with the Dinos outreach project at the Field Museum
Exhibition at the Museum of Zoology UFBA
Didactic models
Development of didactic models for the explanation of contents for undergraduate students in the ecology and zoology classes: (1) how chemical substances produced by mangroves help to protect coral reefs; (2) the evolution of the vertebral column in mammals.
Environmental Education
Activity for students of the Integrated Center for Support to Children and Adolescents (CIAC), inserted in a community with socio-economic vulnerability in Salvador, Brazil. Five workshops were held whose central theme revolved around sustainable alternatives for reusing and recycling solid and organic waste. Work team: Amanda Alves, Diana Rezende, Rosana Cunha and Roseane Moreira.